complete/Completedepisode/រឿង18ភាគចប់quality/SN Drama

អាថ៌កំបាំងឃាតកម្មកូនក្រមុំរ៉ូបស Athkombang Kheatkam Kon Kromom Roub Sor មិត្តក្បត់មិត្ត Mit Kbort Mit 2022 - P.S. I Hate You

Title: អាថ៌កំបាំងឃាតកម្មកូនក្រមុំរ៉ូបស Athkombang Kheatkam Kon Kromom Roub Sor មិត្តក្បត់មិត្ត Mit Kbort Mit 2022 - P.S. I Hate You ด้วยรักและหักหลัง With Love and Betrayal: P.S. I Hate You , Duai Rak Lae Haklang

A secret tape of Phanthiwa is exposed at her wedding to Phureenat. Humiliated by the incident, she resolves to commit suicide. It was only her five-person friend group who knew Phantiwa's secret. Meena tries to find the culprit. During her investigation, Meena needs to dig through Phanthiwa's history with her ex-boyfriend, Pitch. The more she digs, the darker the truth about the clique's relationship gets. Thidawal is having an affair with Chanon, Meena’s boyfriend. Methacha is secretly filmed and blackmailed by Korawee who is the new boyfriend of Methacha’s mother. Saratsawadee, who seems to be a sweet conservative woman, is the mistress of Captain Key. She is being closely monitored by Key’s wife Natthamol and Lieutenant Term, Natthamol’s cousin. Palana, a mysterious girl in their friend cycle, may hold some secrets.

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សូមរង់ចាំបន្តិច វីដេអូកំពុងដំណើរការ