
គ្រូពេទ្យថងឯក វគ្គ២ Krou Pet Thong Ek II 2023 - Krou Pet Chlong Phop 2 - Thong EK: Royal Doctor

Title: គ្រូពេទ្យថងឯក វគ្គ២ Krou Pet Thong Ek II 2023 - Krou Pet Chlong Phop 2 - Thong EK: Royal Doctor ឬទ្ធិទេវតាថ្នាំ វគ្គ២, គ្រូពេទ្យថងឯក វគ្គ២, គ្រូពេទ្យរាជវាំង, หมอหลวง, Thong Ake Mor Yah Tah Chaloang 2 , ทองเอก หมอยา ท่าโฉลง 2 , Mor Luang

Bua, a medical student from today’s 5G era, is mysteriously swept back to King Rama III's reign – the golden era of Thai traditional medicine. Immediately thrown into an unknown world where she finds allies and rivals, her modern ways inevitably clash with old traditions.

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