complete/ភាគចេញឆាប់ៗepisode/ភាគចេញឆាប់ៗquality/SN Drama

ល្បិចស្នេហ៍ផែនការមាយា Lbech Sneh Phaenkar Meayea 2024 - Tempting Heart

Title: ល្បិចស្នេហ៍ផែនការមាយា Lbech Sneh Phaenkar Meayea 2024 - Tempting Heart แผนลวงบ่วงมารยา Phaen Luang Buang Manya

When Nini gets her hands on what she thinks is a pebble, she decides to keep it and forgets about it. Little did she know it was actually a priceless rough diamond that belongs to a big mafia boss. When she starts being chased by those who are after the diamond, the only person who can protect her is Nakan, the man who broke her heart three years ago. Nakan's case requires a believable decoy, so he and Nini must team up. Their relationship is supposed to end when the case is closed, but Nini has a few tricks to pull.

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