complete/កំពុងផ្សាយepisode/ភាគ14-15បន្តquality/SN Drama

បាបស្នេហ៍ទណ្ឌកម្មជីវិត Bab Sneh Tankam Chivit 2024 - The Revenge

Title: បាបស្នេហ៍ទណ្ឌកម្មជីវិត Bab Sneh Tankam Chivit 2024 - The Revenge รอยรักรอยบาป Roy Ruk Roy Barp , Roi Rak Roi Bap

Raya who comes from an aristocratic family was married to womanizer Phraya Wisut. She seems to be a saint who is kind and giving but is actually evil and merciless. When she finds a new girl who has caught the attention of her husband, she plans to get rid of the other wife, Juan, who was born as a slave in Wisut house.

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សូមរង់ចាំបន្តិច វីដេអូកំពុងដំណើរការ