
ព្រះរស់ជីកុង វគ្គ១ Preah Ros Chi Kong I 2010 - The Legend of Crazy Monk

Title: ព្រះរស់ជីកុង វគ្គ១ Preah Ros Chi Kong I 2010 - The Legend of Crazy Monk 活佛济公 Living Buddha Ji Gong , The Legend of Crazy Monk Season 1 , Huo Fo Ji Gong , 新济公活佛

Ji Gong is a crazy monk who eats meat and drinks beer; while still a fairy, he is one of the main Eighteen Buddha Monks; after catching the Eagle that serves under the Buddha himself, he is sent to Earth to become a monk all because of the 2 fairy that was guarding the Eagle. The 2 fairies accidentally set the Eagle free, and as punishment, all 3 fairies were sent to be human monks. There was also another fairy that was killed by the Eagle, and he was also sent down to be a regular human, but not a monk.

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