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ព្រះលក្សិណវង្ស Preah Leak Sin Vong 2024 - Laksanawong

Title: ព្រះលក្សិណវង្ស Preah Leak Sin Vong 2024 - Laksanawong ลักษณวงศ์

King Phromthat has a wife Suwanampha and a son named Laksanawong. One day, he takes her majesty and the prince to the forest where they meet the giantess Apsorn. With Apsorn having taken the form of a beautiful woman, King Phromthat is enchanted. Apsorn has Phromthat order the executions of the queen and prince, however, the executioner takes pity on them and released them. Afterwards, Suwanampha is taken by Phraya Yak, or King Wirunmat, while Laksanawong is taken to be raised with the lady in the water lily, Thipkesorn. When Laksanawong is reared under thorough tutelage, he goes back out into the world to find his mother and those who had wronged them.

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