complete/Completedepisode/រឿង27ភាគចប់quality/SN Drama

សង្គ្រាមស្នេហ៍អាពាហ៍ពិពាហ៍ Songkream Sneh Apear Pipear 2024 - Marital Justice

Title: សង្គ្រាមស្នេហ៍អាពាហ៍ពិពាហ៍ Songkream Sneh Apear Pipear 2024 - Marital Justice สงครามสมรส Songkhram Somrot , Khadi Rak Rang , คดีรักร้าง

Buabongkot thought that after fifteen years of marriage and stability with Poramet, nothing would change. That is, until the day she learned of her husband's affair. Instead of accepting she's lost, Buabongkot decides to stand up for justice in her marriage.

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សូមរង់ចាំបន្តិច វីដេអូកំពុងដំណើរការ