
ព្យុះកំដៅសមុទ្រភ្លើង Pjous Komdov Samuth Pleung 2021 - The Great Revenge [EP.35End]

Title: ព្យុះកំដៅសមុទ្រភ្លើង Pjous Komdov Samuth Pleung 2021 - The Great Revenge ทะเลเดือด Talay Duerd , Thale Dueat

Lui, an ex-SEAL unit, is released from jail after a false accusation. He gets involved in suppressing mafia and corruption, searching for ancient lost treasure and has to work with his brother to accomplish these missions. His girlfriend and mankind are at stake!

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សូមរង់ចាំបន្តិច វីដេអូកំពុងដំណើរការ