
រនាំងស្នេហ៍រនាំងជីវិត Ronang Sneh Ronang Chivit 2008 - Sood Dan Hua Jai [EP.24End]

Title: រនាំងស្នេហ៍រនាំងជីវិត Ronang Sneh Ronang Chivit 2008 - Sood Dan Hua Jai สุดแดนหัวใจ Sood Daen Hua Jai

Dantrai is a good police officer of the Border Patrol Police Department. He was raised up in Namping's house through her father Pamut's generosity and considers him to be his benefactor. Namping is a beautiful, elegant girl of the high society circle. She doesn't like Dantrai because she belives her father likes him more than her. One day, after a scandal, Pamut sends Namping to the border against her will and asks Dantrai to take care of her. Even though he is reluctant, he accepts this heavy burden. Will love blossom between the two?

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សូមរង់ចាំបន្តិច វីដេអូកំពុងដំណើរការ