
ឥទ្ធិពលមេគ្រួសារ Ithipol Me Krousar 2014 - The Master of the House

Title: ឥទ្ធិពលមេគ្រួសារ Ithipol Me Krousar 2014 - The Master of the House 大当家 Dà dāngjiā

Cheng Yue Liang is an autistic man who is rescued during a fateful accident by his step mother, which leads to him idolising her as his father passes away during the war with Japan in the 1940's. The story tells of their chaotic and difficult lives, as well as their heart warming familial ties. The drama also boasts of it's famed screen writer, Cheung Wah Biu, who has works such as 'Moonlight Resonance', 'Rosy Business', 'No Regrets' and the 80's trilogy of 'The Legend of the Condor Heroes'.

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