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ប្រុសឡូយស្រីអស្ចារ្យ Bros Loy Srey Osja 2009 - Kuan Kammathep [EP.21End]
Title: ប្រុសឡូយស្រីអស្ចារ្យ Bros Loy Srey Osja 2009 - Kuan Kammathep ก๊วนกามเทพ Kuan Kamathep , The Cupid Gang ,
Sara was sent to study abroad when she was only 15, but now that she's back at the age of 22, her family realizes that sending her away when she was so young, may not have been the best option. Sara has adopted western ideals and speech patterns while she was in England, and isn't a proper lady by Thai standards. This is a problem since she is supposed to marry into an old hi-so family as a part of her father's dying wish. Three teachers are brought to live in the house with her, so that they might transform her into a elegant lady, but Sara doesn't want that. She likes to have fun, and doesn't want to change for anybody.