
បេះដូងក្ដៅបុប្ផាឆ្នាស់ Besdong Kdov Bopha Chnas 2014 - Mae Khun Eai [EP.30End]

Title: បេះដូងក្ដៅបុប្ផាឆ្នាស់ Besdong Kdov Bopha Chnas 2014 - Mae Khun Eai แม่คุณเอ๊ย

An old wooden house in a garden along a canal that locals call a termite house. It is the residence of Grandma Pim and Jao Mai, her distant grandson, and Sarapee, the orphaned niece who have lived together since they were little because their parents died in a boat accident. Sarapee works hard, hoping to save money to repair the house and take care of her grandmother. Sarapee doesn't really like to dress up. She graduated from physical education. Good at many sports He also has martial arts skills. Second to none...

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