
យុទ្ធសិល្ប៍នាគរាជ៨ទិស, សម្រែកនាគ៨ទិស, Tian Long Ba Bu , Heaven Dragon , I tehni tou polemou , 天龍八部,

Title: យុទ្ធសិល្ប៍នាគរាជ៨ទិស, កំពូលយុទ្ធសិល្ប៍នាគរាជជ្រែកពិភពគុន, Kompoul Yuthisilm Neak Reach Chrek Piphop Kun, Yuthisil Neak Reach 8 Tis 2003 - Demi Gods & Semi Devils [EP.40End]

The epic centers around the Beggar Leader Qiao Feng, the Dali Prince Duan Yu and the Shaolin Monk Xu Zhu. Each of their stories is interweaved throughout the show and finally clash and joins at the climax of the story. Qiao Feng's story is about his quest to find his real identity and the mystery surrounding an event that occurred 30 years prior that left him as an orphan. Duan Yu's story covers his meetings with many of his half sisters that he did not know he had (thanks to his adventurous dad during his young days) and the battle with Duan Yuan Qing as the rightful ruler of Dali. Xu Zhu is a lowly Shaolin Monk who gets caught in the middle of an internal struggle of the Care Free Sect, one of the most powerful and secretive sects around. Their stories take place during the Northern Song Dynasty and across the warring kingdoms of Song, Liao, Dali, and Western Xia.

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