complete/episode/ភាគ28-30បន្តquality/SN Drama

បេសកកម្មគ្រូពេទ្យកម្ចាត់រោគឆ្លង Pessak Kam Krou Pet Komchat Rouk Chlong បេសកកម្មកម្ចាត់រោគរាតត្បាត Pessak Kam Komchat Rouk Reat Tbat 2023 - Doctor Detective

Title: បេសកកម្មគ្រូពេទ្យកម្ចាត់រោគឆ្លង Pessak Kam Krou Pet Komchat Rouk Chlong 2023 បេសកកម្មកម្ចាត់រោគរាតត្បាត Pessak Kam Komchat Rouk Reat Tbat 2023 - Doctor Detective สืบลับหมอระบาด, Investigate the Epidemic Doctor , Sub Lab Mor Labad , Suep Lap Mo Rabat

When a deadly infectious disease resembling the Ebola virus ravages a small village, a team of epidemiologists led by Doctor Khunkhao races against time to investigate the source of the outbreak and contain the spread.

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