
កំហឹងសិង្ហកាច់បំបាក់អ្នកលេង Komheung Sing Kach Bom Bak Nak Leng 2015 - Sing Rotbanthuk

Title: កំហឹងសិង្ហកាច់បំបាក់អ្នកលេង สิงห์รถบรรทุก

"Siharat", a buster from the secret government agency who infiltrates to work in the family's truck company "Saisunee", a woman who loves justice and adheres to rightness. In addition to Siharat coming to investigate "Phrom Boon", an influential person who traded illegal weapons, he also came to investigate the person who killed his family. With the ability of Siharat to help Sai Sunee's father Make her trust and agree to cooperate with him to get rid of evil people.

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